Last fall, we stopped at a garage sale with my parents.
Doug and I picked up some odds and ends for a few bucks, but Mom and Dad, THEY were absolutely ecstatic at their find. It was one of these:
Despite their initial excitement, this contraption has sat unused in its box at my parents house (maybe even in that magical barn of my father's) since the great sale afternoon.
Fast forward to Christmas of last year. We were lucky enough to have the little guy's Gandmama came to spend the holidays with us, and while she visited, we decided to go enjoy some of the spoils of a few of the local Finger Lakes Wineries.
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A view from the little guy's perspective
while the adults
did some wine
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My parents visited vineyards, and all I got
was this saltine!
Turns out that not too many people go out tasting wine on New Year's Eve Day, so we had lots of opportunity to chat with the people behind the tasting counters! We learned that, at least at one place, they often have more grapes than they can process, and so after they've gone through and picked the best fruit from the vines, they let people come in and scavenge for whatever's left. For free. Our ears were piqued.
Fast forward again to this week. The leaves are turning colors, the weather forecast was for frost at night, the gardens are slowly dying back, and our minds are turning to grapes. Almost as a lark, we called around to see if anyone had grapes, and lo and behold, our timing was perfect.
When Monday morning dawned clear, crisp and sunny (well, okay - at least it wasn't raining - the rest might be an exaggeration), the troops headed over toward Seneca Lake in search of these little balls of goodness.
Bobbin, picking Cayuga grapes. |
First stop was for whites. They found Leidenfrost Vineyard had, and was willing to share, a local variety called Cayuga. Apparently the picking was a little slow (and the field muddy, as the little guy quickly found out - thanks goodness we're in the habit of travelling with several changes of clothes these days!), but you can't argue with "free", so some baskets were pretty quickly filled.
The haul from grape-field #1. |
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This was the final load - Concords on the left, Cayugas on the right. |
The picking itself was more than enough work for one day, but by Tuesday, it was time for the Mehu-Liisa to make a debut. Mom and Dad did all the leg work - washing, picking and sorting the grapes, and then in batches, steamed them to get the juice.
I have to say, I've never juiced grapes before, so I have nothing to compare it to, but this steamer seemed to work well and, once the grapes were prepared, was simple to operate. We (they?!) ended up with about 18 pints each the juice. We did not weight the Cayugas, but know that about 20 pounds of the Concords were picked. Not too bad a "harvest"!!
The juice can then be drained piping hot right into cleaned, hot canning jars. The Cayuga (shown here) had to be filtered, but the Concord came out clear and perfectly "PB&J" colored right out of the pot! |
The next step is grape jelly making from all this juice - I hope to post about that soon!