One of the most frequent responses I got when people talked to me about blogging during the Dark Days Challenge was "How in the world do you find the time?". Even here at home, my husband and I would talk about how much time I was spending cooking (and then writing about it), yet I personally didn't feel like it wasn't fitting in. The cooking was fun and exciting, eating local in the winter was an eye-opener, the blogging new and challenging, and I wasn't ever left feeling like I ever should have been doing something else instead.
These days, the sky is light in the mornings by shortly after five, and we can (and often do!) work outside until nearly nine at night. We've had what seems like a million projects going on, in addition to the usual business of spring with holidays, birthdays, visitors and trips taking us away from home. All of a sudden I'm finding not just that I'm not cooking as much, but I'm (clearly!) not blogging, and I am perpetually feeling like there's just
one more thing that I need to be doing before the end of each day.
Last night Doug went to bed with no dinner, and I had a turkey and hummus sandwich at about eleven, while sitting in front of the computer, finishing the last of my work. I guess that goes to show that outside of the apparent reasons for doing that local-foods challenge in the winter, it was a good thing it happened at that time of year, or I would never have gotten as far as I did with it!
At the same time, I do hope to settle into more of a routine here soon and as we're able to get more and more from our (and my parents'!) garden(s), I'd like to keep trying to write about some of the more local meals we make. In the meanwhile, I'll keep busy with all those projects and enjoy the nice long, bright days!
For a taste of what's going on around this NY home, here are a few pictures taken in the last month or so:
Early spring: daffodils from Evelyn that we planted
last fall, up and showing their cheery heads. |
A collage of shots from my trip to CA in April. |
Me and the bug, ready to go to the "'wimming pool"!! |
Choo-choo cake for birthday #2. Somehow I managed to not
get a shot of it finished and decorated! |
The Birthday Boy and his happy Daddy!
Planting asparagus (hopefully more to come
on this in a separate post). |
Later spring - first lawn mowing of the season! |
Rhubarb transplants (6 of the 8) from Aunt Sally -
can't WAIT until next year to eat some!! |
We ran into some friends from Kendal Day Care while at the
Ithaca Farmer's market one Saturday and shared
some good laughs! |
My mother's day fuschia plant! |
Mother's day pancake breakfast with GrammE!
Pa tilling and Doug picking rocks in the garden. |
Watching the rototiller -
one looking at the camera,
one not.... |
then the other way around!! |
A funny shot of the chicks at two weeks old. |
And just a couple days later. They're changing so fast!! |
My new raised bed herb planting boxes!! |
The "water to the garden" project. The Problem: cracked pipe. |
Cutting away the pipe so we can put a drain valve in the
replacement piece. |
Chipping chipping chipping... |
Tulips are up now - again bulbs from Ev, planted last fall! |
Ornamental apple tree blossoms in the front yard. |
Apple blossoms in side yard.
Pear blossoms. |
Peach blossoms. |
Cherry blossoms.
Late spring: lilacs just starting to bloom! |
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